He brings unique work and life experiences to his role at Cascade, as well as a great sense of humor. Below are his responses to some important questions we posed prior to his first day. We hope you'll have the opportunity to get to know him better in the weeks, months and years ahead. Welcome Simon!
Last movie you saw in the theater - Ford vs Ferrari @ the Garland Theater.
Dream aspirations as a kid - I had always wanted to be a pro mountain biker.
If you could be any superhero, who and why - I’d have to be Thor. I would love to fly and be super strong. Superman is cool but without the comic book chin.
Free trip to anywhere in the world, where and why - New Zealand, cause then I can stop saving for it.
Ever been in a fight, if so who started it - Haha, yes. But I only was involved to stop the fight and ended up taking one for whom I was defending.
Favorite restaurant in Spokane - Lost Boys’ Garage Bar & Grill
Biggest fear - I’m not a fan of snakes and spiders… but that’s normal right?
Nickname you had growing up - I had two… “Simon-diga” which is kinda like saying, “Simon says” in Spanish. The other was one pretty much only for my parents, “Meech.”
What attracted you to working at Cascade – The clients and the work. I’m excited to get behind projects, clients, and goals that I believe in. I think Cascade has the flexibility, creativity, and passion to do just that.
Career goals - I would love to lead a team of talented, creative, and passionate people. While creating a collaborative and exciting place to work. Like Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia said about his employees “going up the stairs two steps at a time” to go to work. I want to be part of something like that.