Earlier this spring we welcomed Rachel Brenner to the team as our newest Project Manager. When she's not busy keeping us on track, she's out enjoying travels near and far. We sat down with Rachel to hear what motivates her and what she's digging in life these days.
1. What drew you to work at Cascade?
All of my past career experience has been at advertising agencies and each time I had a chance to work on a web development project I enjoyed it. This lead to me to decide I'd like to focus on web. I have a lot to learn and I realized that working at Cascade would give me the opportunity to work with a company that encourages leaning and growth. As a previous freelancer who didn't have much time to develop working relationships in every place I worked it feels great to be part of a team.
2. What fires you up at work? (In a good way!)
Two words: Check lists. I live for checking things off my to-do list. That and happy clients!
3. What does the ideal weekend look like?
Live music, spending time with friends, some kind of outdoor activity or getting out of town for a few nights.
4. What are your favorite apps these days?
Instagram, Imgur and New York Times Cooking.
5. If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?
Teleportation. I have friends and family scattered around the country and I'd love to be able to pop in and visit whenever I liked. I have new goals to travel whenever I can and teleportation would help me avoid all those cramped plane seats.