Andy Pullen Joins The Team
When it comes to attracting high quality tech talent, Cascade has no problem filling seats on the train. This week Andy Pullen joined the crew, bringing PHP coding experience and detailed technical proficiency. But mostly, he’s just a really nice guy!
We recently asked him 10 questions so we could get an insider’s look into who he really is...
1) Dream aspirations as a kid…
The classics… a filmmaker, professional Lego builder, or astronaut. Now I get to be a part of helping people create, build, and launch websites as opposed to movies, Legos, and people into space. Not bad, I suppose!
2) Favorite place to eat?
I really enjoy eating out anywhere (literally), but my favorite place is honestly wherever my wife is cooking. She takes cooking very seriously, and I always reap the benefit.
3) You just won a free trip to anywhere in the world! Where and why?
Probably Europe on a food tour. Because food. And castles.
4) I like to listen to…
Radiohead, Sufjan Stevens, M. Ward, The Beatles, Menomena, tech podcasts, and my daughter when she’s explaining something. 3 year old brains are pretty great.
5) Give us your thoughts on the last book you read…
The last book I finished (aside from the cascade employee handbook) was The Hobbit, and had positive thoughts. I did not leave theaters feeling the same way after that last installment of the film.
6) Who would you like to meet?
Though I’m not sure what I’d want to talk about, I’d meet Larry David, the co-creator of Seinfeld and the guy from Curb Your Enthusiasm.
7) Biggest fear?
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I’m most afraid of something happening to my wife or kids. And bears.
8) What’s your favorite quote?
“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” - C.S. Lewis
9) What attracted you to working at Cascade?
One of my life goals is to be a lifelong learner, and Cascade is a great place to do just that— I’m here to be stretched professionally and personally. And who wouldn’t want to crank out some work on a train car?
10) Career goals -
I love to be a part of making great processes better, maximizing and contributing ideas to systems already in place. Cascade has amazing web development processes that I’m excited to join in as a Project Manager. And a life goal is to constantly be on the lookout for ways to serve and support people as they do and make great things, whether they be co-workers or clients, friends or family.