May 10 is National Train Day, and Cascade Web Development couldn’t help but share the train love and highlight the unique space where we get things done -- our 1930s refurbished railcar-turned-office. Those of you familiar with Cascade know our days are spent aboard a train, developing custom web solutions for clients. For those who may not know or need a refresher, read on my friends.

I've been inspired by many other companies in Portland that have incorporated railcars in their operations, like Tea Chai Te's in Sellwood and the Old Spaghetti Factory in the South Waterfront, with a trolley inside. It’s an innovative and sustainable answer as these locomotive icons of America pile up and rust out.
The Cascade approach focuses on strategy, solution and evolution. While the fabricators who welded our railcar together in the 1930s never imagined a web company parked and operating on the tracks at 2100 SE Water Avenue -- or about the Internet for that matter -- we’re proud to be part of that original solution for getting people from point “A” to point “B”, evolving and applying this concept to the custom web solutions we develop for our clients.
Happy National Train Day, America! Keep moving, and keep making it happen.