The last movie I saw in a theater is the same as Scott’s, American Hustle, which was highly entertaining, but I decided to change the question because I saw the most amazing movie last week (at home) and it’s way worth mentioning: The Crash Reel. This documentary is about the epic rivalry of pro snowboarders Shawn White and Kevin Pearce, and Kevin’s almost deadly crash right before the 2010 Winter Olympics. Guys, guys, guys, you need to see this film! I’m not ashamed to say that I felt dehydrated after watching it from so much crying. Yes, it’s that good.
Dream aspirations as a kid:
There was a time when I was about eight or nine years old, when animals were my thing. I had a dog, two birds, a bunny, and a rat, so naturally I thought I would grow up to be a veterinarian. But, that dream quickly became unrealistic after a slightly traumatic experience. It all happened when I took my rat out to play and he started to tremble and shake. I tried to comfort him with some cuddles, when the little rat bit me, drawing blood, and then died - SO RUDE!!! That day I learned something: never trust a rat.
Free trip to anywhere in the world, where and why:
Oh man, hard question! I always wonder if I should go back to a place I’ve been to visit friends, or go to a new dreamy place. Even though I have a huge list of new places I want to go, I think if I had to choose right now, I’d go back to Norway.
It’s been about three years since I moved back to the states, Portland specifically, after spending almost four years working, studying, and living it up in Norway. And although I’ve been saving up for a trip back to visit for a while now, this whole trying-to-buy-a-house thing has hit the travel funds pretty deeply.
When I do go back, it’ll for sure be in the summertime, and the first thing I’ll do is walk down Thorvald Meyers gate and drink a $20 pint of mediocre beer, jump off the rocks at Huk, hike hut-to-hut in the mountains (they have over 400 huts scattered about their countryside that are stocked with the basics within a days hike or ski from each other – so awesome!), take the train from Oslo to Bergen, and lay on a white sand beach in Lofoten… Soon, Norway, soon!!
Ever been in a fight? If so who started it:
Two words: younger brother. We’re only 14 months apart, and of course he always started it ;-). I also have an older sister who I barely fought with, probably because she is one of the most generous and caring people I know. Cheers to a balanced childhood!
Favorite restaurant in Portland:
If you would have asked me last week I would have said Lúc Lác, for their amazing food, cute bartenders, cheap prices, and ambiance, but you asked me today, and today I have a different answer. New favorite spot that we hit up last week is MiHo Izykaya. It’s a Japanese Pub with some island vibes, located in an old house on Interstate, no sushi, the best mochiko chicken you could ever dream up, spam musubi (so Hawaiian!!!), $1.50 tallboys – cheap & delicious. Go to there.
Biggest fear:
I guess, dying. I just love this life so much!!!
Nickname you had growing up:
When I was first learning to talk, I called myself gunga, and so that’s mainly a silly family nickname. But, there have been quite a few good ones since including, ginge, gingivitis, gila, gilamons, ginkgo biloba, le gjánge, gigi.
Pro tip: nicknames are a quick way to my heart, it makes me feel like I’ve known you forever.
What attracted you to working at cascade:
Besides the obvious reason of joining a small powerhouse of a business to help build beautiful and functional software solutions for clients, the driving factor for wanting this job was the awesome team and culture. My co-workers are talented, ambitious, organized, and über smart, yet at the same time relaxed and fun. I have a lot to live up to, but with two weeks under my belt, I could not be more excited!!
Oh also, it's pretty baller to say that I work on a train. I love that.
Career goals:
Besides being a project manager superstar and saving the world, I’m interested in working more in the design and front end web development realms.