Dream aspirations as a kid
For about a week in third grade I wanted to be the POTUS, but then people began telling me I looked like a young Bill Clinton (compliment when you’re seven?). Several years later, and after a blitz of Monica Lewinsky jokes through middle school, I shifted my focus to theater and wanted to be an actor. I later realized it was the storytelling I was really after, so I decided to focus on writing.
If you could be any superhero, who and why
I’ll have to go with Iceman from the X-Men comics because when he saves people, he’s transparent and really cool about it.
Free trip to anywhere in the world, where and why
London -- it’s super expensive, and this is a free trip. A lot of people tell me I would “fit in” there based on my sense of humor. I’d spend countless hours and dollars shopping on High Street and eating Chicken Tikka Masala -- England's national dish. I’m also a huge fan of British comedy and anything produced by the BBC Natural History Unit (e.g., The Blue Planet, Planet Earth -- basically anything narrated by the soothing voice of David Attenborough).
Favorite concert
It’s a tie between the Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge and the Scissor Sisters only months before they split. DMB just knows how to jam and put on a great show, with the Gorge combining two of my favorite pastimes: live music and car-camping. The Scissor Sisters, however, was pure electro-pop -- lasers, synth and attitude. I’ve never seen so much neon and fog on one stage.
Favorite restaurant in Portland
Cafe Nell. Located on NW 20th and Kearney, this small restaurant comes with a vibrant presence and great specials throughout the week. They serve French-inspired comfort food, including the best pork tenderloin dish you will ever have.
Biggest fear
Irrational: Snakes, sharks and ventriloquist dummies.
Rational: Birds (I don’t wanna talk about it).
Nickname you had growing up
I had many nicknames, most of which were plays on my first name: Scotty, Scooty, Scoots, Scooter, Scotter Otter, Scotty Wotty Button Boy and Bill (See Question No. 2 about the last one).
What attracted you to working at Cascade
I wanted my next position to have a strong digital focus -- it’s not like the Internet is going away anytime soon -- which was the first thing that attracted me to Cascade. There’s also something to be said about a company that values and furthers a sustainable culture. I ditched my car in January 2009 and have used public transportation ever since, and I sat on the Board of an LGBTQ-Sustainability organization in Seattle for a while, so I felt like Cascade’s sustainability pursuits made the company an excellent fit. Several people in my professional network in Portland had great things to say about Cascade, so their reputation was reassuring. These feelings were emphasized when I interviewed with members of the team and thought it was an all around great group of people to work with.
Career goals
I have strong interests in consumer and digital trends, social media and community engagement, which are driving the next 10-plus years of my career.
I want to be published at some point, be it a series of articles, short stories, an essay here and there, or a script.
I would also like to remain involved on a civic level, volunteering with Portland groups supporting causes like the arts, LGBTQ issues, education and local business.