Macadam Forbes

Macadam Forbes came to us with a story we've heard many, many times: some plugins on their Wordpress site became stale and broken, and they didn't have an active development team they could turn to. Because their site was looking a bit tired as well, instead of hunting down a Wordpress developer to try and fix their broken site, they decided to rebuild. They saw value in our longevity, team loyalty and commitment to supporting our solutions for the longhaul.

We built Macadam Forbes a new site on Evergreen, where they will no longer need to worry about consistent and unpredictable updates to platform versions, plugins or making security patches. We were able to build them a custom solution, integrating with their 3rd party real estate property listing software, and resulting in an informative and beautiful presentation of each property listing, with a powerful search function built just for them.

Many times, professional services companies have unique needs that outgrow a site built on lighter weight, more ubiquitous platforms. Macadam Forbes got exactly what they needed and we are looking forward to a long-term partnership with their marketing team to continue to enhance their site as their needs evolve.

Dynamic Property Listings

The property listings on Macadam Forbes' site are easy to manage, and fully mobile responsive. The marketing team is able to quickly create pages to display a dense but digestible amount of important content for every one of their available properties.

Check It Out

See what we've been able to do in partnership with Macadam Forbes on their commerical real estate site.

View the Macadam Forbes Site

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